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The Klutter Koach and Secondhand Israel

Karen Furman

What's new with The Klutter Koach

1. Decluttering, Downsizing, and Organizing services are now available in Tel Aviv in addition to Bet Shemesh, Jerusalem, Modiin, and Gush Etzion.

2. Our shop, Secondhand Israel, is One Year Old. We are located in Ramat Bet Shemesh Aleph (RBS-A) in the Mercaz Mischari (shopping center) under Yeish in the carpark. Look for the folding tables outside our door. Our next step is to get signs and some good lighting to make it easier to be found.

What do we sell? Books and things for the home like art, glassware, kitchenware, tzchotkes, costume jewelry, and toys. Have a look at to see some of the beautiful things we have for sale, plus what furniture and appliances are available from any current moving or estate sales.

Recently we shifted things around and added more bookcases to accommodate our book collection. While we aren't officially a used book store, we have a nice selection of books from Artscroll-type books to novels by authors like Danielle Steel and Tom Clancy. We have books for all ages from kids to grownups. 

We take donations only, we do not consign. We take books and housewares only, not clothing. Anything kitchen-related must be cleared marked for kashrut status.

3. The word is getting around that we run or coordinate Moving Sales and Estate Sales. Whether someone is leaving Israel, moving locally, downsizing to a smaller space, or needing to clear our someone else's apartment because of a death or a relocation, we do that. From the measuring, to photos, to pricing, to marketing, to open house sales of the contents of the home, we handle it all. 

4. With the New Year approaching (Rosh Hashana, not January 1) some kitchen advice for an organized kitchen

  • Put things away after you use them.

  • Wipe drips and spills immediately.

  • Label things with a sticker that are being both frozen as well as refrigerated which will avoid 'mystery meals'. Write both the contents and the date the item was cooked.

  • If you're finding there are things unused taking up space in the back of the cupboards, or bakeware/cookware/serving pieces that is too heavy/bulky/inconvenient to store, consider decluttering these items to make space for the things you do actively use on a frequent basis.

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, sweet New Year.

Karen Furman, The Klutter Koach


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